Background Information
Climate change related ethnic conflicts and insecurity has made human survival difficult
Our area of operation continues to record the lowest development indicators in the country. The striking features of these target counties is such that the pastoral communities living here have suffered many years of political neglect and marginalization resulting in extreme poverty.
Through advocacy for climate change justice, climate change policy advocacy, human rights, peace, security and safety, DHASE in partnership with County government of Marsabit, Isiolo and Samburu Counties, various climate Justice lobby groups, and various other stakeholders such as the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Kenya wildlife Services (KFS), as well as other Civil Society Organizations has been advocating for climate justice in the region.
DHASE’s activities included; policy dialogue on climate Change adaptation Policy, Climate change Funds Act, Disaster Risk Management Policy and Gender analysis in climate change,
DHASE is currently focused on women empowerment, and building capacities of the people to advocate for timely and gender responsive service delivery on areas of Participatory Democracy and Governance, Sustainable Livelihoods, Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.
DHASE exists to promote sustainable environment for improved livelihood for self-reliant and dignified society
“Resilient, self-reliant and Equitable society of Northern Kenya”
Specific Objectives for Dhase
- DHASE will strengthen provision of health services in the ASAL communities through provision safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene.
- Provision of Humanitarian support to rural communities during emergencies in order to alleviate suffering in disasters and emergencies.
- Support community livelihood programmes to enhance equitable development in the ASAL areas.
- DHASE will strive to Improve education status for pastoralist communities through promotion of equitable and quality education services.
- Contribute to appropriate and sustainable governance systems for the rural communities of ASALs though initiating programmes that reduces inter-community conflicts and promotion of peaceful co-existence and equitable sharing of resource and transparent governance.
- Advocacy, Response and building resilience to climate change adaptation and environmental management.
- To capacity build the organization-DHASE and its staff for sustainability of its programmes.
- To take such steps by personal or written appeals, private meetings, public meetings or representations to Parliament, government entities and other bodies as may be deemed expedient to promote any of the objects of the Organization.
- To raise, secure and utilise funds for the attainment of any or all objects of the Organization, and to do such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objects.
What Dhase Believes in
- i) We strive to respect and promote human rights and social justice—promotion of individual and collective rights, social justice and equity for all our clients, employees, partners and community.
- ii) Ensure sustained organizational commitment to integrity, honesty, transparency and accountability in all our operations.
- iii) Promotion of gender equality and equity, with special attention on the rights of women and girls. We know that gender equality and women empowerment is a precursor for development in our society.
- iv) We strive to be passionate and determined to demonstrate proactive customer service.
- v) Build Open and Honest Relationships With efficient communication
- vi) Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome.
- vii) Have passion in our work which means commitment in heart and mind. This involves use of our drive and commitment to energize, engage and inspire others.
- viii) To we strive to reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change by building adaptive capacity and enhancing climate change resilience.
- ix) Committed to employee welfare, team work and continuous capacity development.